Legal Topics
- Affiliated EntitiesAffiliated Entities Info
The Office of Legal Affairs oversees the University's policy on Affiliated Entities.
- Attorney-Client PrivilegeAttorney-Client Privilege Info
Communications with lawyers in the Office of Legal Affairs are protected and regarded as confidential…
- Contract Signature AuthorityContract Signature Authority Info
Pursuant to applicable provisions of the Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Administrative Code, contracts…
- EthicsEthics Info
Honesty, integrity, and moral conduct are critical University values. Employees are expected to maintain…
- ImmigrationImmigration Info
The University welcomes thousands of international students, visitors, faculty, and staff to its campus…
- Intellectual PropertyIntellectual Property Info
The Office of Legal Affairs provides support and assistance to the University's colleges, departments…
- Lawsuits Against Faculty and StaffLawsuits Against Faculty and Staff Info
Lawsuits are often filed against the university and they sometimes contain allegations that faculty and…
- LitigationLitigation Info
The Office of Legal Affairs is responsible for the representation of the university in all legal matters…
- OnBase Contract ManagementOnBase Contract Management Info
All contracts that require signature of the Senior Vice President for Business and Finance & CFO…
- Political Activity GuidelinesPolitical Activity Guidelines Info
University staff and faculty members are encouraged to fully and freely exercise their constitutional…
- Real EstateReal Estate Info
Attorneys in the Office of Legal Affairs work with Planning and Real Estate (PARE) and Facilities…
- Records RetentionRecords Retention Info
As a large, dynamic, and complex organization, it is important for the University to effectively manage…
- SubpoenasSubpoenas Info
Upon receipt of a subpoena in your office please do the following: Do not respond directly to the…